
Small Open Source Java Tools and Libraries


SerialVer4J supports versioning for serialized objects out-of-the-box.

Currently supported formats

Note: A good benchmark for JVM Serializers can be found here External link.

Steps using SerialVer4J

  • Classes you want to serialize and deserialize must follow three simple rules:
    1. Make your class Serializable (as you always do)
    2. Give it a unique serialVersionUID (No default UID like 1L!)
    3. Add an instance variable named versionUID that is initialized with the static serialVersionUID.
      Caution: This has to be the first instance field in your class!
  • Create a history xml file that contains informations about your archived classes:
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <history versionTag="versionUID">  
              <class package="my.test" name="Address">
  • Serialize your object with one of the supported formats. It's not necessary to use SerialVer4J for this task. You can use any serializer that supports the target format.
  • Deserialize the object using SerialVer4J

    Pure Java Example:

            final InputStream in = ... ;
            try {
                // Load the history
                ClassesHistory history = Utils.readFromFile(new File("versions.xml"));
                // Create an instance of the deserializer
                VersioningSerializer serializer = new VersioningJavaSerializer(history);
                // Returns the current version of the Address object
                Address address = (Address) serializer.deserialize(in);
            } finally {


Currently only one class (the root class of the serialized object tree) can have an instance variable named versionUID.