This is a short description how Kickstart4J works.
User types a JNLP URL or clicks on a link with that URL [less...]
Webstart (JRE >= 1.4.2) loads and starts Kickstart4J [less...]
No application specific JARs at this stage
Only 6 signed JAR files necessary (All provided by Kickstart4J)
Kickstart4J loads XML definition for installation [more...]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<title>Kickstart4J SwingSet2</title>
<vendor>Future Invent Informationsmanagement GmbH</vendor>
<description>Local installed SwingSet2 with it's own Java Runtime 1.6</description>
<javaArgs>-classpath ${classpath} SwingSet2</javaArgs>
<mkdir path="logs"/>
<file path="lib" file="SwingSet2.jar" hash="bb8c84a0c833471363a58a75b3a10944" size="1670951" unzip="false" loadAlways="true" addToClasspath="true" srcFileUrl=""/>
<file path="" file="" hash="6657c9fe1f1771c9505bf8760fc120f4" size="24735860" unzip="true" loadAlways="true" addToClasspath="false" srcFileUrl=""/>
<file path="jre6" file="README.txt" hash="f4d7b1802f97b747d921dff10eb533e7" size="15773" unzip="false" loadAlways="true" addToClasspath="false" srcFileUrl="" order="1"/>
Kickstart4J asks the user for a destination directory (optional) [less...]
Kickstart4J copies the necessary application files to user's harddisk [more...]
Includes a local JRE which version is completely independent of Webstart's Java version
No need to sign any of the application's JAR files!
Kickstart4J runs the application using the local installed JRE [less...]
Your application (here SwingSet2 example) is running as local installed application [more...]
If required, the started application can use Lazy Loading to load JARs and other files On Demand [less...]
// Path relative to the installation directory and file to load
File jar = fileLoader.loadFile("lib", "abc.jar");
// Add the JAR dynamically to the classpath